res=en Kyrgyz Stock Exchange Press Club :: News :: A bigger euro rescue fund: the answer to all our problems?

  • 30 September 2011

    A bigger euro rescue fund: the answer to all our problems?

    A bigger euro rescue fund: the answer to all our problems? - This edition of Business Weekly focuses on the dominating topic of the week: Greece and the expansion of the European rescue fund, the EFSF.

    While the ‘troika’ of international controllers returned to Athens, the German parliament voted massively in favour of the expansion of the fund.

    But that is not the end of the story. What if the EFSF is still underfunded? What if Slovakia votes no? Can the EFSFrescue Greece?

    Host Stefan Grobe talks about these questions with Manoj Ladwa, Senior Trader at ETX Capital in London. Also on the programme: the battle for the tablet market hots up with the release of Amazon’s Kindle Fire.

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